The HACE Regional Career Conference

Written on 1:55 PM by Robert

I just came back from a career fair hosted by HACE (Hispanic Alliance for Career Advancment). It was held at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea, NYC.

It was a great event, and it wasn't as crowded as some of the more well-known career fairs in the city. There were quite a few companies represented there, but the most popular, by far, was Time Warner Cable. They also had Career Coaching tables there for those who wanted to have their resumes critiqued. It was a well-organized event and didn't seem intimidating at all.

I actually went to meet with someone at Time Warner Cable. But based on my experience, they didn't have any positions available at this time. Sounds like I've heard that before. But it wasn't a total loss. The recruiter gave me the name of the HR representative I can contact directly about future openings.

It was good practice for me to get out there and give my 30-second speech about myself. I still need to refine that, though. I emphasize my hard skills too much, and not enough of my soft skills. Everyone should Google to find out what the difference is, if you don't already know.

One thing I DID do before going, which is something everyone should do as well, is check out the jobs being offered by the companies that are attending the job fair. It will help you weed out the employers that are not hiring in your area or in your field of expertise.

Also, observe other people and learn what NOT to do. One woman is on her cell phone while introducing herself to the recruiter and asks her what positions are available. HELLO! Do the research online before stepping up to a recruiter at a job fair and give him (or her) your undivided attention. Shut off your phone! It's only for a few minutes!

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